GPS for SUCCESS - Appropriate for grades 1-12
An Introduction to the GPS for SUCCESS, prevention-based program in schools and communities nationwide that utilizes Social-Emotional Intelligence created by My Life My Power Institute. Basically, we don’t talk about drugs... we aim to “shift the conversation” and create a new focus. We strive to motivate and inspire youth on what is possible using our 5 core principles: Vision, Mission, Purpose, Team, and Commitment.
We are a fully digital program for grades 1-12 that is easily implemented and designed to be 5 weeks in length but we customize for every program or organization. We offer virtual or in-person training for educators and law enforcement sponsored by HIDTA (High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas) and use a “train the trainer” model. Therefore, anyone can “teach” GPS for SUCCESS in a small class setting or school-wide.
Presenter: Jennifer S. Kramer, M.Ed.

Jennifer S. Kramer
P: 770-363-9360
Jennifer S. Kramer, M.Ed. has been an educator for over 23 years and has served as an Assistant Principal, development officer, athletic director, teacher, coach, and educational lobbyist. Currently, Jennifer is a Co-Founder and serves as the Superintendent of My Life My Power International (MLMPI) Prep Academy. She also serves as COO of My Life My Power (MLMP) non-profit. She has developed multiple Social Emotional Learning (SEL) education and prevention based programs for grades 1-12 in various disciplines.
For the past four years, Jennifer has participated in the National Educator Summit & National Mentorship Summit in Washington DC to discuss the importance of SEL Curriculum in the United States. Lastly, Jennifer serves as the Prevention Director for the Atlanta Carolinas-High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (AC-HIDTA) funded by the Office Of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) project in which MLMP is providing their GPS for SUCCESS program and training to educators, military, and law enforcement in over 18 states.GPS for SUCCESS - Prevention Program Overview
What is GPS for SUCCESS?
Learn more about GPS for SUCCESS!