Prescription Drug Abuse and
Your Pregnancy

“Prescription Drugs and Your Pregnancy” has been designed to educate women of child bearing age and expectant mothers and their caretakers about the dangers of prescription drug use and abuse during pregnancy. In this presentation, the viewer will also hear about who to contact for help when needed.
This educational video runs 20 minutes 50 seconds.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Who created the presentation?
The content was created by Dr. Karen Kuehn Howell, Ph.D. with Emory University, Dr. Gregg Raduka and John Bringuel of the Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative.
Who is the intended audience?
The content was designed to serve women of child bearing age and expectant mothers. This includes but is not limited to: hospitals, OBGYN medial practices, women’s health centers and public health facilities.
Where do I go for more information after the presentation?
You may contact John Bringuel, Project Director, Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative at jbringuel@livedrugfree.org or call him at 404-223-2484. You may also visit www.stoprxabuseinga.org or www.livedrugfree.org for more information.