National Heroin and Opioid Awareness

The DEA’s contributions to this effort is a nationwide public service announcement campaign featuring Mario Lopez that will launch on Monday and run through the following weekend. These new PSAs will run on all of the major network morning shows, the top 200 iHeart Radio stations, the top 200 CBS Radio stations, outdoor billboards, and web-based digital platforms. A full list of the paid distribution is attached. All campaign resources drive to the DEA website: which Tammy Simpson here in our office is having reworked to focus first on heroin and opioids upon landing on the page.
English - 30 and 15 second radio spots
15 Second - V2
15 Second - V3
30 Second - V1
30 Second - V2
Spanish - 30 and 15 second radio spots
15 Second - Spanish
30 Second - Spanish