GEN Rx was created in response to the prescription drug abuse epidemic in the USA. GEN Rx in Georgia aims to prevent the misuse/abuse of prescription drugs among 12-25 year olds in three counties in Georgia. GEN Rx is a three year project funded through a federal grant from the Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The grant was awarded to the GA Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), which awarded subcontracts to CatoosaPrevention Initiative (CaPI) in Catoosa County, Early Choices in Early County, and CETPA in Gwinnett County to implement the program. These counties were selected based off the findings from a needs assessment conducted by Georgia State University. Please visit the GEN Rx Web site, as well as read the bio below for the three GEN Rx counties and visit their website. A subcontract was also awarded to The Council on Alcohol and Drugs from DBHDD to provide technical assistance and training services to the three counties mentioned above.
Early Choices (Serving Early County)
Early Choices is a collection of Initiatives and was formed in 2012 through ECLFT and Family Connection (FACES) to address the specific needs, issues and concerns of residents of Early County. The GEN Rx Initiative is one of the Initiatives within the Early Choices umbrella. Early Choices approach to Rx drug prevention goes lock step with the saying "it takes a village to raise a child". Early Choices is working with many organizations and partners to build community awareness and action with regard to Rx drug abuse prevention.
Visit Early Choices Web site.
Catoosa Prevention Initiative (CaPI) (Serving Catoosa County)
The Catoosa Prevention Initiative (CaPI) is a community movement dedicated to helping teens and children avoid problems related to underage drinking and prescription drug abuse and misuse in people ages 12 -25. CaPI wants all children to grow to be happy and healthy adults free from alcohol and Rx drug addictions. We work to educate parents, teens, children, and all community members how to prevent kids from becoming involved with alcohol and prescription drug abuse and misuse. CaPI collaborates with all sectors of the community -from schools to businesses to law enforcement and more in between -to make a strong wall of help for our children.
Visit CaPI’s Web site.
Clinic for Education, Treatment and Prevention of Addiction (CETPA) (Serving Gwinnett County)
CETPA is a private, nonprofit behavioral health services agency specializing in mental health, addictions and emotional problems. CETPA’s prevention department is dedicated to educatingour community about the myths and realities of substance abuse and the common misunderstanding of mental illness. CETPA prevention initiatives include an after school clubhouse for high school student, a suicide prevention program, a statewide underage drinking prevention initiative and a prescription drug abuse and misuse prevention program(GEN Rx).
Visit CEPTA’s Web site.