The Georgia Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention Initiative (GPDAPI) is committed to collaborating with law enforcement to eliminate improper prescribing practices including “pill mills,” “and illegal activities such as doctor shopping,” and the like.
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)

Please visit these two websites for the latest information on the DEA’s work to eliminate improper prescribing practices including “pill mills, “and illegal activities such as “doctor shopping,” and the like:
DEA Prescription Drug Abuse Citizen Tip Line in Atlanta
DEA Atlanta Division has Statewide Prescription Drug Texting Tip Line that allows the public to report potential prescription drug abuse. Special Agent Harry S. Sommers, the Special Agent in Charge (SAC) of the Atlanta Field Division (AFD) of the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), announced on February 20th that the DEA AFD has launched an anonymous statewide prescription drug texting tip line available to the public. Click Here to learn more about the tip line and how you can help.
Community “Drug Take-Back Event” with Law Enforcement
Secure disposal of Rx and OTC drugs is every communities business. Having a Community Drug Take-Back Day is a vital tool to protect your community, providing a safe and convenient means of disposing of Rx and OTC drugs while educating the public about the potential for abuse. To help coalitions plan and organize drug take-back days C.A.R.E.S. Alliance, in partnership with CADCA, released a Drug Take-Back Toolkit.
This toolkit is the ultimate how to guide on drug take-back day event planning, with instructions and customizable templates to engage partners and promote your event. It identifies the essentials of planning a drug take-back day and explains roles and responsibilities of the event organizer. This online tool offers practical advice on collaborating with law enforcement, working with a pharmacy to host the event, engaging the community, developing promotional materials, conducting media outreach, and much more.
C.A.R.E.S. Alliance has field tested the tool kit with seven CADCA coalitions nationwide to provide guidance and best practices learned from previous events. To access this online resource Click Here or visit: http://www.caresalliance.org/drugtakebacktoolkit.
Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI)

Please click here to read more information on the GBI’s efforts to combat the abuse of prescription drugs: http://gbi.georgia.gov/00/press/detail/0,2668,67862954_67866877_173600626,00.html
National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) of Georgia

The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization that facilitates cooperation between law enforcement, healthcare professionals, state regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical manufacturers in the prevention and investigation of prescription drug diversion.
To learn more about NADDI please click here: http://www.naddi.org/aws/NADDI/pt/sp/about_chapters_GA
Georgia Composite Medical Board (GCMB)

The Georgia Composite Medical Board (GCMB) is the governmental agency that licenses physicians, physician assistants, respiratory care professionals, perfusionists, acupuncturists, orthotists, prosthetists, auricular (ear) detoxification specialists, and residency training permits. The Medical Board investigates complaints and disciplines those who violate The Medical Practice Act or other laws governing the professional behavior of its licensees.
Please visit their website at: http://medicalboard.georgia.gov/, to learn more.
Click Here to see some of the most commonly asked questions and answers from the GCMB staff about improper prescribing practices including physicians that work in “pill mills”.
Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency (GDNA)

The GDNA mission is to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public by ensuring all of the laws pertaining to pharmacy, dangerous drugs, and controlled substances are followed by both registrants and any others who handle or possess pharmaceuticals. Please visit their website at: http://gdna.georgia.gov/ , to learn more.
Georgia State Board of Pharmacy (GSBP)

The Georgia State Board of Pharmacy (GSBP) is an eight-member board appointed by the Governor to protect, promote and preserve the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Georgia. The Board is composed of seven licensed practicing pharmacists and one consumer member. They are responsible for the regulation of pharmacists and pharmacies in Georgia. The Board reviews applications, administers examinations, licenses qualified applicants and regulates the practice of licensees throughout the state. Complaints are investigated and, if warranted, disciplinary action may be taken by the Board. To learn more about the Georgia State Board of Pharmacy please visit their website at: https://gbp.georgia.gov/.